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Перейти на сторінку із зображенням

Гидроизоляция мансардных крыш сохраняет свойства теплоизолятора. В
Перейти на сторінку із зображенням
In the construction of high-rise buildings usually do not apply waterproofing. Therefore, the qualitative performance of intermediate floors leaking water on the lower floors can be avoided. But, to completely eliminate conflicts with neighbors below, necessary to make the waterproofing, at least, in the bathroom. For this purpose we make a bathroom renovation. The most simple waterproofing materials include roofing and roofing. But they have a relatively short lifespan. Now apply a new synthetic materials, which are based on fiberglass and polyester. The most common of these: Ecoflex, izoelast, isolayer. At first glance,, film easier to cover the floor, handle than sodium, but it is a false opinion. Work with such materials is very difficult. First of all, surface should be dry and smooth. Differential unevenness should not exceed two millimeters. Requires processing base bitumen primer. Bonding is done very carefully.But for the time being used more modern materials. In their basis lies bitumen and rubber. They have excellent plasticity, does not require high temperatures for laying. Best quality waterproofing is a bitumen-polymer. Synthetic resin, which is included in its composition, makes the material durable, and stacking can be done even at low temperatures.In addition to these compounds, there are other types of coating. Noteworthy cement-polymer mastic. Cement provides reliable surface mount, and synthetics — the desired resistance to bending and hall. This type of waterproofing is relevant for Sale, which are subject to deformation and vibration.
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Добавлено 06.01.2014 Vanteev